You're reading our legacy documentation, the documentation for deprecated versions of UserFrosting. To read the docs for the current version of UserFrosting, visit



    Lesson 1: creating a new page

    Learn how to create a new, access-controlled page and add a link to it in the side menu bar.

    Lesson 2: processing a form submission

    Learn how to submit a form via AJAX, validate the submitted data, manipulate the data model and update user information in the database, and display a success message upon completion.

    Lesson 3: extending the data model

    Learn how to implement basic CRUD (create, update, view, delete) functionality for your own data models, as well as more advanced functionality, by harnessing the powerful Eloquent ORM.

    User-submitted Content

    Database migration script

    Script for migrating database structure from 0.3.0 to 0.3.1 (thanks @Netrilix).

    Video installation tutorial (German language)

    A walkthrough for installing UserFrosting 0.3.x, courtesy of Bootstrapaholic.